Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner

Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner

Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner

Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner

VCAN New products Android DVB-T DVB-T2 USB TV Dongle: DVB-T2S

DVB-T2S Micro USB Digital DVB-T DVB-T2 TV Tuner Receiver fyrir Android pad
selja Stig:

Small og SmartDVB-T2 og DVB-T

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DVB-T2S Android DVB-T2 DVB-T TV móttakara fyrir símann Pad Micro USB TV merkis

DVB-T2S mun hjálpa þér horfa á lifandi Frjáls til Air TV á Android símann eða púði með micro USB OTG

Stuðningur breyting sund með snertiskjá

Stuðningur met frjáls til loft DVB-T2 sjónvarpsþætti og geyma í síma eða púði

Styðja spilun skráð tv sýnir

Stuðningur DVB-T / DVB-T2 MPEG2 MPEG4 TV

Auðvelt View EPG að athuga sjónvarpsþætti Guide

Baka og fljótur fram lifandi TV sýning með Time breytast upptöku

Rafræn Program Guide (EPG) og styðja HDTV svarað

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Búa uppáhalds sund fyrir þægilegan horfa

High næmi undir lágu merki breið steypuhraða svæði

1. Hversu lengi loftnetið snúru?

VCAN: Lengsta Loftnetið er 2 metra. (Ef þörf lengur, Vinsamlegast athugið VCAN þegar til)

2. Hvar get ég fundið Android setja APK?

VCAN: Please contact us


There are the products pictures:

Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV TunerAndroid DVB-T2 TV Tuner
Android DVB-T2 TV Tuner

DVB-T2S DVB-T2 TV Dongle Packing:

vöru Nafn:DVB-T2S
öskju stærð:44*29.5*47(cm)
Unit Þyngd meðal pakka:0.12 (kg)
Magn í hverri öskju:100 (stk)
Gross Weight á umbúðum:12.93(kg)
Gjafaöskju stærð:13.5*8.6*4 (cm)

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How to Use a DVB-T2 TV Stick for Smart Phone to Stream Live TV?

Streaming live TV on your smartphone is now possible with the use of a DVB-T2 TV stick. This device is a small USB stick that plugs into your smartphone and allows you to watch live TV on your device. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use a DVB-T2 TV stick for streaming live TV on your smartphone.

Skref 1: Purchase a DVB-T2 TV stick. These devices are available from most electronics stores and online retailers. Make sure to check the compatibility of the device with your smartphone before purchasing.

Skref 2: Install the necessary software. Depending on the device, you may need to install a specific app or driver to get the device to work.

Skref 3: Connect the DVB-T2 TV stick to your smartphone. This is usually done by plugging the device into the USB port of your smartphone.

Skref 4: Launch the app or driver that you installed in Step 2. This will allow you to access the live TV channels available on the device.

Skref 5: Select the channel you want to watch and start streaming. You can also use the app or driver to adjust the settings of the device, such as the resolution and audio quality.

Með því að fylgja þessum skrefum, you can easily use a DVB-T2 TV stick to stream live TV on your smartphone. This device is a great way to watch your favorite shows and news programs on the go.

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